BSA Cup (Birmingham Small Arms Company)


The BSA Challenge Cup competition is open to teams which are representative of County Associations in the United Kingdom affiliated to the NSRA (National Smallbore Rifle Association) and of provinces and states of the Commonwealth.

The BSA Cup Match is shot annually by teams of 12 shooters.  There are three divisions, Sections A, B, and C, and can be shot over 15, 20, or 25 yards, or 25 metres.  Non-UK teams must shoot on any one day between January 1st and September 30th, with results being in to the UK by 15th October. 

BSA Competition Rules


BSA Challenge Cup Results 1926 - 2018


2024 BSA Results

2018 BSA Results                                       

                                                                       2018 All Teams Results

2017 Wgtn Province Results                     2017 All Teams Results

2016 Wgtn Province Results                     2016 All Teams Results

                                                                       2006 All Teams Results

2004 Wgtn Team Results